I was very saddened to see this in my "comments" and sorry to hear Ameradoor has closed. From the comments left here, it is obvious that running this business has been a struggle as are many in this terrible economy. Thank you to Ameradoor for posting this for us.
AMERADOOR UPDATE (This is a comment left by user "Ameradoor Corporation":
Ameradoor Corporation- After 6 years we have CLOSED We tried to keep our doors open long enough to finish customers product. However our power was shut off. Our phones and website was discontinued for not payment. We just did not have the resources to survive. In this nations economy you would think that people would understand. However some people would like to make wild accusations that are just not true. For the customers that supported us for the past six years "thank you". For the customers that did not get there order "I am truly sorry" I hope the through the Bankruptcy court that this matter will be resolved.
AMERADOOR UPDATE: August 3, 2011:
Thanks to Helen and Darlene for the heads-up on Ameradoor. It appears they may have closed. Calling the number today that is listed on the www.whois.net website, I received a recording that said, "We're sorry. You've reached a number that is no longer in service." Typing www.ameradoor.com in the address bar gives this message, "Sorry, we can't find "www.ameradoor.com". We suggest that you check the spelling of the web address or search above." Personally, I am very sorry to know this company is closed.
MY ORIGINAL POST January 27, 2009:
We recently built a maple entertainment center for our living room. Unfortunately, when it came to the doors, we did not have the expertise or the right tools. Since we only needed three doors and one drawer front, we decided to have them built. Searching the Internet we were able to find Ameradoor. The price with shipping was less than we would have paid for a router and the rail and stile bits.
When the doors arrived, we were very happy with their workmanship.
Lydia enjoys reviewing just about anything including restaurants, hotels, television shows, appliances, or even a day at the beach. Check out her other blog http://lydiasrandomramblings.blogspot.com/
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- Lydia
- Lydia Blogg is a decorator/designer who specializes in designing and fabricating custom window treatments. When Lydia realized she loved her weekend remodeling jobs more than her office job, she made a career change. Through years of hands-on experience, she has become expert in decorating, custom window treatments, interior/exterior painting, tiling, sewing, refinishing furniture, flower arrangements, home and office efficiency solutions, home repairs. She has years of experience in accounting and the list goes on.... Lydia loves to write and is currently working on a weight-loss book. If you have a blog you think Lydia might like to follow, please email her at lydiablogg@gmail.com. Lydia's motto: "It's just as easy to be nice as it is to be mean and rotten!" PLEASE NOTE: The artist has a copyright on all art work on this blog - Thank you for not copying them.
About a month and a half ago, I placed an order with Ameradoor. Within a week, the payment cleared, but my doors still hadn't shipped. I called them 3 weeks after that and was told that they had to remake one of the doors, which is why they hadn't shipped yet. I was assured they'd be ready in a week. When I called back in a week, they told me the doors weren't finished, but they would be the following day. The following day, I was told that 2 more doors were mis-made and that they'll ship out in 4 days. When I explained that I've already postponed putting my house on the market due to my lack of kitchen cabinets, and that all I wanted was a refund so that I could get cabinets somewhere else, I was told no, they do not give refunds! I will never again use Ameradoor and would advise others to do the same!
I am so sorry to hear you had such a problem with Ameradoor. When I ordered, I was very happy with the quality and speed of delivery. I just placed another order on Thursday (April 16). I'll just have to wait and see how this one goes. I'll update this section when they arrive. Thanks for your comment.
Today is May 13, 2009. I have to say I'm disappointed I haven't received my three drawer fronts yet (tomorrow makes a month). I called and was told "they are packed and leaving today". Hmmmm...we'll see.
They arrived yesterday -- woohoo! They are the perfect sizes, great quality and look awesome. Apparently when they said they were "shipping today", they really were shipping today. lebo00, I wish you would update us on how you made out...
Would love to know how both Lydia's second order and lebo00 first order turned out. I am thinking about ordering from Ameradoor. Thanks so much.
I placed a small in mid-May, and am still trying to get the order. either they don't answer the phone, promise that they will ship or call back back. They never do! They also don't answer emails. Give your business to somebody else
I'm getting the same runaround with Ameradoor that lebo00 got. I placed my order for 5 doors on July 4th and was told they would ship on July 25th. When I tried to contact "Mike" by email on July 30th, he ignored my email messages, so I finally called him. He said he would check on the order and call me back within the hour, but didn't. When I called him later in the day, he said they had to re-make one of the doors (same story lebo00 got), and they would ship by Tuesday, August 11. I called today (August 12) and Mike said he'll call be back "sometime later today." I don't expect to hear from him, so I'll call him later. This is grossly unprofessional behavior.
I had ordered 2 doors and a drawer front from Ameradoor. Everything was to be unfinished and no boring for hinges or anything. I usually get my doors from another company but it takes three weeks. The ameradoor website claimed 10 business days and I had a customer who was in a bit of a hurry. Unfortunatly I probably could have gotten the doors twice if I had went with my usual company. Every time I called Ameradoor I got a different ship date, usually around two weeks after the pevious one. When I finally did recieve my doors they were nice, but the length of time it took to get them was ridiculous. I will never use them again.
Anyone out there in cyberland who has had good luck with Ameradoor?
My doors finally arrived after almost a month and a half wait. They are beautiful. So, Ameradoor does good work, they just do it VERY SLOWLY and won't admit this to their customers. Only use them if you are not in a rush!
I placed three orders with Ameradoor in January and thought I'd never receive my order, but I did receive my order. HOWEVER, when my credit card bill arrived I was overcharged. when I contacted my credit card company they said to first contact Ameradoor who never contacted me back. So then my credit card company said sent them my invoices which I did and was initally credited with the overcharge, but Ameradoor disputed my claim and instead of provided three invoices, like I had received, combined the three into one invoive with higher prices for two of the three items, one price 2 and 1/2 times higher than the original invoice price. I am still disputing them, should have gone to this website earlier.
Ameradoor is a horrible business. I ordered doors over a month ago, still no doors. They debited my account twice for the same two door and acted as if it was my banks fault. They told me seven days turn around time. Again it's been a month. They tell you anything they think you want to hear to gain your business. Stay away from Ameradoor. The experience with them is horrible nightmare!! I would not recommend to an enemy.
First off I work for Ameradoor. And yes we are behind. However, Mr. Rendell is not so truthful! He did in fact order. He was charge only one time. We did make two attempts to get his card approved. His card was declined the first time. We sent him the statement for proof.
Now for those of you that are waiting on your product. We are doing everything in our power to keep up. In these economic times it is not so easy. We make a great product. We have the best price and we try to stay on time. We could hire more people to do the work. However that would only add the cost.
We have 10 customers with complaints. A customer base of over 4,000. We will try to a better job.
Now you give your readers a chance to bad mouth Ameradoor… Lets see if you give us the opportunity to tell our side of the story.
I'm very glad to hear from someone at Ameradoor. As I said before, "When the doors arrived, we were very happy with their [Ameradoor's] workmanship". Unfortunately, it seems people tend to only air their unhappiness about a product via the internet. It seems rare to see people writing good reviews unless they are paid for the review. It would be nice to hear from some of the other 3,989 customers who might be happy with their purchases.
"Badmouth Ameridoor"? The product I received was excellent, but the service was terrible. Most people will understand if you fall behind during these tough economic times, so all you have to do is stop lying to your customers telling them that "your doors will ship first thing next week" or "I'll call you back this afternoon" etc., etc. Simply say, "We apologize, but we've fallen behind on our orders, and we'll make every effort to get your doors to you as soon as possible." I would not have complained had your guy ("Mike") not lied to me so often. If you are Mike then this message is probably pointless, but if Mike works for you then you should have a little chat with him...
I agree with namark, there's nothing wrong with a company saying "We apologize, but we've fallen behind on our orders, and we'll make every effort to get your doors to you as soon as possible."
I must tell you, I called looking for my order, they said it would be shipped the next week and it did arrive the next week. (After reading all these posts, I was skeptical, even though I had already received an order.)
And namark - thanks so much for updating your post back in Septemeber. If you hadn't, we wouldn't know if you ever received your doors.
I have noticed the home page at Ameradoor has been changed. It no longer boasts of quick delivery!
I have been waiting for months for cabinets and am now beginning to doubt if they will ever be shipped. Any chance they have gone out of business? Has anyone been successful getting a refund? Have any of the previous posters rec'd their product? Thanks for the help.
Great Post!We will provide cabinetgiant Discount Kitchen Cabinets & Bathroom Vanity by Cabinet Giant - All Wood Cabinets at Wholesale Prices.
Would love to hear from anyone who has done business with Cabinet Giant - both good or bad experiences.
You can add me to the unhappy list. Am still waiting for my order. To the minimum, if they are backlogged, they can say that on their web-site instead of saying 14-21 days for doors, 30 days for cabinets.
Still keeping my hopes up, however, they have severely disrupted and set back my project.
I am another unsatisfied Ameradoor customer. I placed a $529 order on Dec. 6, 2009. It cleared my credit card on Dec. 7. That was 3 weeks ago. No doors yet. No emails. No phone response. Today I tried to call all their various extensions. None answered. I emailed them again and said if I did not get a response I would cancel the order and demand a refund. I don't expect to hear back from them. I likely will have to file a dispute with my credit card company. It's a shame. It sounds like they do good work, but just have extraordinarily BAD customer service.
Well, I did receive the doors finally. They were beautiful, however, I somehow entered the wrong size on my order. Figures. :-(
Why is it that we only find resources like this AFTER we place our orders? As to the comment by the Ameradoor employee who says that there are only 10 complaints with 4,000 customers - well, there are only 10 customers who have searched the web, located this site, and posted comments. Those ten may represent dozens or even hundreds - we have no way of knowing. I'm posting this comment on January 29. I ordered six doors on December 10 - so it's now just over seven weeks since I placed my order. I called several times, and reached someone last Tuesday. He said my order was going out Wednesday. Well, I haven't received the doors or a tracking number or any shipping confirmation. I'm looking forward to my doors, but until Ameradoor learns to properly estimate how long it will take to fill an order, how to notify customers in a timely fashion if things are delayed, how to honestly state the status of an order - I suggest going someplace else. Hopefully they will begin doing better in this regard. The comment that this is somehow related to the current economic conditions makes no sense. If business is slow, jobs should be getting out faster. If business is brisk, then they should be able to hire more people to fill orders, return phone calls, etc. Ameradoor may lose a lot of business, not because of the economy, but because they don't understand customer service!
New update from George:
I received my cabinet doors on February 23 - 103 days after ordering them! During that time, I called several times to check on the order, and never had a return call when I left a message. I also sent e-mails a couple of times and did not get replies to those (with one exception). And, twice I reached someone by phone and was told that the doors would ship the next day - and that was untrue both times.
The only time that Ameradoor actually returned a call/e-mail was on 2/23 when I both left a voice mail and sent an e-mail stating that twice I was told that they would ship the following day and that I haven't received them. When they called this time, they stated that they were due for delivery on the day I was calling, and they provided me with a tracking number.
Although the doors are of good quality, I would caution anyone considering doing business with Ameridoor to read this thread first.
Based upon my experience with my Ameradoor order (speaking from the stance of customer service - or lack thereof really), I hate to say that I must add my vote to the NAY side of the roster. Never having dealt with Ameradoor before, I am so far not satisfied with their general responsiveness.
I ordered three oversized doors for bathroom vanities on 2/24/2010 and my card was debited immediately. Several times over the past few weeks (today is 3/29) I attempted to track my order on their website after logging in. At no time since placing this order have I been successful in such a "tracking adventure". Their system has always reported back that there are 'No current orders'.
I finally got a response (from Don) in response to an email request for update that my order was scheduled for shipment on 3/17. That date came and went with no word. I emailed on 3/24 by replying to Don on his 3/17 advice email asking for an update - again NO RESPONSE. Today I finally called... followed the VRU phone response system and pressed keys to get to someone in order tracking. That voice message said "send all requests for order status to customerservice@ameradoor.com.. which I just did. I stated that we have guests planned for the Easter week and if my order cannot be here (in Atlantic Beach, NC) by this coming weekend, then I need to replace doors on cabinets for our guests and deal with the new doors when (and now I guess hopefully IF) they arrive.
My work history includes some 20 years in some form of customer services - including a stint with IBM (am a puter person) - and I can tell you that "customer service" as so far defined by Ameradoor begs the question.
I order a set of kitchen cabinet doors it took about a month to get the doors. I was told that it would take at least 30 days. They were on time. I order finish on my doors and they turn out beautiful. I love my new kitchen. I spoke with Don and he was very helpful. He help me with the sizes of the doors And matching the finish that I had done on the frames. I am not a do it yourself kind of person. But, I must say I am very glad Don at Ameradoor Helped me through it.
Horrible experience. The amount of calls and emails needed to coordinate an order for 1 door was unbelievable. I placed an order for 1 oak cabinet door and Ameradoor managed to screw up the order. They sent me a pine door 2 weeks late. Even after repeated attempts at email and phone, I could not reach the owner, Don, to discuss the problem. He was always in the woodshed or at the bank. So, I thought I'd give them another chance to get it right. Nope. They sent me the correct door 2 weeks late despite my conversation with Shea assuring me that I would have the door within a week. Uggh.
The response to Nate: I can not believe he gets on here and lies like this. First of all, HE ordered the wrong door. He ordered a paint grade door and that was exactly what he got. He needed an Oak door but was wanting to pay paint grade prices. After he recieved the door and realized what he had done, he called Ameradoor. I helped him place a second order for the oak door and even gave him a discount because he had screwed up his order. I told him instead of waiting the three weeks of production time I would do my best to get his door within a week. 7 days later his door was ready and was shipped. I went above and beyond to help Nate. We try our best to make sure each customer is happy with their product they have ordered and sometimes that means taking a little extra time. All of our doors and cabinets are custom made to the sizes the customers request. We don't have these in stock. So yes, sometimes it does take a little longer to make the doors but I would much rather pay for quality than time.
A "little extra production time" is fine, but they need to stop making promises they can't keep.
I ordered a door back at the beginning of May. Was told it would be done on the 31st. It's now July 16th and I'm still waiting.
It's the only thing in my entire basement remodeling project that's not done. Having my second big party down there tonight with a gaping hole in the wall with an Ameradoor story to tell about it.
Well here it is the last week of July. I am hoping Ameradoor still has me in their production line-up as I ordered May 7th. I have tried their phone number and have been told it is no longer in service. I cannot fine their website anymore,(just get error page) and my e-mails come back undeliverable....Are they still in business??Who knows..I take heart from the member who said it took 103 days for his to be delivered. That's actually pretty sad.. Oh and by the way??? my cc was charged almost immediately after I ordered. some companies won't charge until they actually ship the item! Imagine that!!
Well here I sit wondering if Ameradoor is still in business. My e-mails are undeliverable, the phone I have for them is disconnected and the website for them comes up with and error page. I ordered May 7th and it is now the last week of July. I take heart from George saying her finally got his 103 days later but that is pretty sad.And remember when companies didn't charge your CC until they shipped your order? Not these guys...they got theirs...
I ordered a few doors on June 21 and on June 24 the website said the company was no longer in business. My cc has been charged and I have tried to reach customer service a couple of times via email and telephone. There has been no answer via email and the telephone is no longer in service. I am trying to finish my kitchen, but have no doors. I would like a refund or the doors. I've thought about contacting the Alabama Chamber of Commerce to see if they could help. Does anyone have any suggestions? I need those doors.
I called the C of C in Andalusia. Ala which is where the company of Ameradoor is based. They tell me Ameradoor was not a member so they don't know anything. I contacted the mayor's office and they gave me the Business license office who told me they still have a business license but they could have gotten that last year some time. The C of C suggested I was S.O.L and to order my doors from someone else. Call your CC company and they should credit your account.They gave Ameradoor 45 days to respond after which my money is mine again. Unless I get my doors! HA fat chance!
As with the previous posts, I am left in limbo with a large replacement door and drawer front order that has been charged to my credit card. The order was placed 5/12/11 and has yet to deliver. As of 7/16/11 the esd was "in a few days" per an e-mail received from "Shea" at the customer service e-mail address. The -mail stated that my order was running behind due to some large orders that were ahead of mine. All lines of company communication have been disconnected or disabled. I have already contacted my cc company who has filed a dispute for the charge, but has a 30 day turn around time for resolve. The Andalusia, Alabama c of c has chosen not to respond to my e-mail. This is not the worlds hunger crisis that we are solving, but I would like to know if Ameridoor is fulfilling the orders that were placed before the company closed 6/24/11. If Ameridoor would produce a realistic committed target date for delivery, I would be willing to wait for the order. I just want to know if I should proceed with a different company to prevent having two orders fulfilled in the log run. Does anyone have any further advise?
Dear Customer-Ameradoor Corporation has closed our doors. After 6 years of producing doors for customers we just do not have the resources to continue. In a troubled nation you would think people could understand that business today is next to impossible. However some people want to make up wild accusations.
The bottom line is we are Bankrupt... no money to continue. Phones are disconnected and the electricity was shut off. If you cant keep the power on you cant make doors.
Ameradoor Corporation- After 6 years we have CLOSED
We tried to keep our doors open long enough to finish customers product. However our power was shut off.
Our phones and website was discontinued for not payment. We just did not have the resources to survive. In this nations economy you would think that people would understand. However some people would like to make wild accusations that are just not true.
For the customers that supported us for the past six years "thank you". For the customers that did not get there order "I am truly sorry" I hope the through the Bankruptcy court that this matter will be resolved.
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